Although this night marks the anniversary of the defeat of the populares by the optimates in 82 BC, we do not hide the fact that our hearts and souls are firmly on the side of the simple, working people and the ordinary inhabitants of cities and villages tormented by their daily toils. Toils and torments usually prepared by the hands of greedy landowners and corrupt governors, for whom the unbridled desire to accumulate silver and gold exceeds the concern for the common good and, above all, our common green home, Terra Mater. Remembering that this night is also a time when we should show appropriate honor and memory to our famous ancestors (whether in the form of the Slavic Dziady or the Celtic Samhain or whatever you prefer), let us all the more take care that our descendants (if only we guarantee them any conditions for living on this planet) want to remember us without contempt and anger. So before the barbaric rolling of the developer's onslaught manages to crush and grind into sawdust all the trees in the area, surrounding our city with a concrete wall separating us from fresh air, before the fierce and thirsty dragons of stock exchange derivatives manage to privatize and suck out all the drinkable water from the surrounding rivers, and before the various corporate triumvirates manage to prepare for us a climatic hell on Earth, let's at least try to save what we can...

2230 - 0030 VVT
0030 - 0200 Kuba Château
0020 - 0330 Daisy Cutter
0330 - 0430 VVT
0430 - 0700 Virtual Maze
0700 - ???? b2b
Hailing from the Neuri land on the banks of the lower Vistula, this "daisy cutter" - as she calls herself - specializes in forest rituals in honor of Sterculinius and Lemonia. Thanks to her high knowledge of Earth magic, she can easily teleport between different cities using a secret portal. The sounds she serves up are a mix of Low Germanic, muddy dirt, Afrofuturistic rhythms from the American Great Lakes, pure as the metallic shells of Martian ships, and sincere and straightforward, forest rave. Listen for her when the time comes.
This castellan from Gracchus' castle is visiting us once again, although for the first time in Krakow. His deep, vinyl nebulae and the songs of the cosmic equites from Proxima Centauri will speed up your thoughts and steps in the not too distant hours.
The penultimate figure in our band of musicians is this Vestal Virgin of Saturn, who inhabits the local marshes. Her dramatic hymns and paeans are sure to move your hearts and minds, and her magical spells will protect you from evil spirits and unfortunate constellations.
It is also worth adding that on this night we intend to entrust the energy of the invincible Sun and the scorching Martian rays to the trustees of these magicians from the Tving Stage Design team. We assume that the supernova explosions and the flights of stars equipped with long tails visible in the sky should be very spectacular, yet completely safe for viewers.