Unsound 2021 — Firewall
Day #2 of Unsound in Nowa Rezydencja, the eclectic lineup features Lensk, Lutto Lento live, bbymutha, MMM with their premiere of their new live show, UNIIQU3, VTSS and Chippy Nonstop with their debut b2b and Krakow’s Virtual Geisha. Limited tickets will be available at the gate after 11pm, dependent on capacity.
Due to reasons outside of anyone's control, VTSS cannot make it to the Unsound late night event tonight. She was going to play b2b with Chippy Nonstop, who will now play a 90 minute solo set, followed by Virtual Geisha. Apologies for this change, but we're sure Chippy will smash it on her own!
Z powodów niezależnych od nas, VTSS nie dotrze dziś na Firewall, gdzie miała zagrać set b2b z Chippy Nonstop. W rezultacie Chippy Nonstop rozgrzeje parkiet solo. Przepraszamy za tę zmianę.

photo by Jovan Mroziński