Digital Soundtrack to
is officially available!
For that occasion, AGIM is performing LIVE STREAM with the music from the game!
Agim Djeljilji is an artist well known to listeners of Trinity. His latest work is also a musical illustration of the game "This is the Zodiac speaking".
"This is the Zodiac speaking" is a computer thriller set in 1970s California - a time when the Zodiac killer, elusive to this day, was prowling the country. Agim's music perfectly complements the game's dark atmosphere. In this edition of "Triple Bandwidth," we listened to the tracks that accompany the gameplay in "This is the Zodiac speaking."
℗ TBA under exclusive licence to [PIAS] Recordings Poland and Eastern Europe Released on: 2020-09-25
Producer: Agim Dzeljilji
Mixing Engineer: Agim Dzeljilji
Composer: Agim Dzeljilji
Game Production Studio: Punch Studio
Script by Lukasz Orbitowski
Laser/led installation designed by Tving Stage Design
Laser/led technique by Fos.design
Photo: Artur Nowicki / official Agim's profile / Tomasz Gawroński
Big thanks to:
Warsaw Museum of Computers and Games
And don't forget that Zodiac is still waiting for you on Steam
And don't forget that Zodiac is still waiting for you on Steam
#thisisthezodiacspeaking #agim
Want to download the tunes?
Click here: https://smarturl.it/agimzodiac

"I hope that people who appreciate my work and have a wide spectrum of interests when it comes to electronic music will reach for the soundtrack I prepared for the game. I have not made any particular volition, but the fact is that it is largely illustrative, program music. No less, it has a noir atmosphere and a certain tension that accompanies me in my work, but brought out by slightly different means,"