Video mapping exhibition installation made for the 90th year anniversary of Glassworks in Krosno. Installation is a combination of physical objects with minimalistic projection. Each element shows one of the 90 historical scenes for the spectators to find.
Year: 2013
Client: Centrum Dziedzictwa Szkła
Place: Poland, Krosno, CDS
Directed, Concept, 3D video mapping: Tving Stage Design
Graphic design: Dominik Mika "EK"
Motion design: Patryk Zimończyk
Producer: Tomasz Gawroński
Music: Knarsetand - Min la Vita
Camera crew: Patryk Zimończyk, Tomasz Gawroński
Edited by: Patryk Zimończyk and Tomasz Gawroński
Substantive cooperation: Hanna Lawera, Katarzyna Solińska, Dawid Iwaniec,
Links: facebook.com/wystawa90
Year: 2013
Client: Centrum Dziedzictwa Szkła
Place: Poland, Krosno, CDS
Directed, Concept, 3D video mapping: Tving Stage Design
Graphic design: Dominik Mika "EK"
Motion design: Patryk Zimończyk
Producer: Tomasz Gawroński
Music: Knarsetand - Min la Vita
Camera crew: Patryk Zimończyk, Tomasz Gawroński
Edited by: Patryk Zimończyk and Tomasz Gawroński
Substantive cooperation: Hanna Lawera, Katarzyna Solińska, Dawid Iwaniec,
Links: facebook.com/wystawa90