Tauron Nowa Muzyka Online 2020 Dino Sabatini


This is a leading music event in Poland, presenting every year the most interesting debutants and the greatest classics of modern electronics, as well as jazz, rock and hip-hop artists. Among the invited guests there are also representatives of contemporary and avant-garde music.

TNMKonline is the first hybrid event in the 15-year history of the Tauron Nowa Muzyka Katowice festival. While the vast majority of festivals in Poland have been canceled out of necessity, we have not succumbed to the pandemic. Along with online streaming, there were also club events with the audience.

OnAir live with:

Dino Sabatini 
is an Italian-born artist helping to redefine electronic music. In his sets and productions he refers to pagan shamanism and Greek mythology. Crystalline, synthetic sounds harmonize with the anonymous wildness of techno.​​​​​​​

stage concept/light/live visuals: Jan Dybała
light/live visuals: Tving Stage Design
led bars technology: Fos.Design

Many thanks and a lot of warm energy to Tauron Nowa Muzyka and Jan Dybała for inviting us to this wonderful project.

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The sponsor of the TNMK.online event is 
Tauron Polska Energia

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