„This is the Zodiac speaking”
show Tauron Nowa Muzyka 2021
Agim presented the soundtrack for the game This is the Zodiac Speaking this time, which was performed live for the first time in Silesia. Agim was accompanied on stage by drummer Łukasz Moskal, complementing the dark electronics with spatial sound.
For 50 minutes, the powerful speakers oozed immersive, illustrative ambient tinged with synthwave and a pinch of post rock. Such projects are undoubtedly missing in our home country, which is only just starting to get used to the fact that soundtracks do not always have to oscillate around clasical monumentality.

"The image is the most powerful for me, it affects me the most intensely in the creation process.
...I mainly based it on the script and screenshots from the game's locations. "
"But it is not without significance that I had read a lot about this degenerate and the very thought that I could in any way confront him, meet him, caused me a huge sense of fear and helplessness in the face of human cruelty."
"In the game itself, I tried to feel like a victim and evoke this anxiety, in order to find a means by which I could build an atmosphere around the game through music. The first thing I felt was a pounding heart, but a strong, pulsating one. This reaction gave me the answer to the concept of the entire soundtrack."
"The only light I shed in this music is the ending track “Closure.” I cursed in it such ordinary human naivety and faith in goodness, even slightly exaggerating this message in a simple melody."
"Darkness" adores my artistic space quite strongly and also fits the general mood I've been trying to create in lately. It's a mix of melancholy and noir.
about the artists//:

Agim /electronic instruments/ is an artist who cut his teeth on the Polish club scene. He created Öszibarack and Nervy, and for several years has been exploring techno areas both solo and with Deas as Bloom. A_GIM doesn't have to prove anything to anyone, and yet he still wants to expand his artistic horizons.

Łukasz Moskal /drums/ is a self-taught drummer, he never took any lessons in playing drums and got to where he is today through listening to music. Lukasz's hallmarks as a musician and drummer are musicianship and creativity, grounding in groove, easy movement in songs and knowledge of song construction. The production, composition and arranging work acquired over 25 years of working in the music industry on stages and in recording studios is an asset and knowledge that Lukasz draws on in his work as a musician.
behind the scenes

Special thanks to
Adam Godziek (Tauron Nowa Muzyka)
stage concept: Hubert Kaszycki
light/live visuals: Tving Stage Design
led technology: Fos.Design
venue: MCK
Many thanks and a lot of warm energy to Tauron Nowa Muzyka and More Music Agency for inviting us to this wonderful project.