Helmut Kajzar
dir. Jacob Porcari
Theatre. Ludwik Solski in Tarnów
release date / 17.04.2015
text editing / Jakub Porcari
director's supervision / Jakub Porcari
text editing / Jakub Porcari
director's supervision / Jakub Porcari
scenography / Tomasz Gawroński
costumes / Gabriela Sipiora
lighting direction / Tomasz Gawroński
costumes / Gabriela Sipiora
lighting direction / Tomasz Gawroński
music / Tomasz Gawroński, Jakub Porcari
cast / Boguslawa Podstolska-Kras
cast / Boguslawa Podstolska-Kras
The lady has arrived,
eight dresses on her.
When they undressed her,
they cried.
The play "The Star" is a kind of internal monologue, a monodrama of an actress who wants to establish her identity, frantically remembering roles played in the past, gestures, words and fragments of already forgotten roles. "Star" is a play about love, distance, fall, artificiality, self-sacrifice, rebellion, rebirth, steadfastness, longing, memory, agreement and disagreement, about stupidity, about dresses, about forms that fall apart and age, about actors about all of us. What I am writing here sounds lofty, but the Star is not afraid to play for the most serious stake, for pathos, the opposite of which is ridiculousness.
"Star" about love, distance, fall, artificiality, self-sacrifice, rebellion ... - an interview with Jakub Porcari, artistic director of Teatr im. Ludwik Solski in Tarnów, artistic supervisor of the performance "Star" by Helmut Kajzar.
Who is the star?
It is both a literary character and a specific natural person. On the one hand, a character from Kajzar's drama. An actress who is trying to establish her own identity in front of our eyes. To remember the roles, the gesture, the things she used to play. On the other hand, the star is a specific actress, i.e. Bogusława Podstolska-Kras. In 1971, Kajzar wrote "Gwiazda" for a specific actress of the Contemporary Theater in Wrocław. At the same time, writing in his notes that art can be treated loosely. It means shortening, filling with something new, adapting to a specific person. And we matched our Bogusława.
It is both a literary character and a specific natural person. On the one hand, a character from Kajzar's drama. An actress who is trying to establish her own identity in front of our eyes. To remember the roles, the gesture, the things she used to play. On the other hand, the star is a specific actress, i.e. Bogusława Podstolska-Kras. In 1971, Kajzar wrote "Gwiazda" for a specific actress of the Contemporary Theater in Wrocław. At the same time, writing in his notes that art can be treated loosely. It means shortening, filling with something new, adapting to a specific person. And we matched our Bogusława.
And so Bogusia Podstolska-Kras became a star?
A star is a character. The key word, the title, which points to a certain irony, a mockery of acting. Every actor can be a star, he or she may want to be a star, but in fact, he or she is not.
The theater's repertoire includes the monodrama "Mel Gibson's Friend". "Star" will be a similar story?
These shows are completely different. In "Mel Gibson's Friend" we are dealing with a specific story. The "star" is a stream of the subconscious, a collage of emotional states, roles from the past. The play itself is a tragicomedy. The vividness in which the tragedy will be exposed makes it laughable.
Is this a different face of Kajzar than the one we met in "The Odyssey"?
Two weeks ago we had the premiere of Kajzar's serious dramas. Whereas "Star" is a witty text. Many artists, often based on one work, are labeled a controversial or comedic author. Kajazar got one too. A controversial, anti-communist, bizarre artist. And it is enough to read the introduction to "Star" Lady has arrived, eight dresses on her. When they undressed her, they cried, which clearly suggests the comedy character of the performance.
Do you look after Bogusia as a director, is it a different job than directing?
"Star" is a monodrama. In these types of performances, the actor has to do a lot of independent, personal work. The director is only supposed to help him, correct something, explain. This is not a classic director's job, as in larger productions. When the director has to control, among other things, from where who comes in and why, what he has to do on stage. We have a different situation here. There is only one man, the actor, who is constantly on stage talking to the audience or to himself. It's more important for an actor to find themes and then have someone help him put them together. It's not about treating an actor like a dummy, because directing in a monodrama is equal to that.
Great freedom and challenge for the actor
I believe that an actor with such stage potential should be thrown into deep water. Let it bite the audience…
"Star" is a monodrama. In these types of performances, the actor has to do a lot of independent, personal work. The director is only supposed to help him, correct something, explain. This is not a classic director's job, as in larger productions. When the director has to control, among other things, from where who comes in and why, what he has to do on stage. We have a different situation here. There is only one man, the actor, who is constantly on stage talking to the audience or to himself. It's more important for an actor to find themes and then have someone help him put them together. It's not about treating an actor like a dummy, because directing in a monodrama is equal to that.
Great freedom and challenge for the actor
I believe that an actor with such stage potential should be thrown into deep water. Let it bite the audience…
... and become a "Star"?
Yes. Besides,
Bogusia has her 30th anniversary of working on stage this year and it's worth celebrating!
* interviewed by Agata Bykowska
3d scenography concept design

Real set design