Pattern - audio-visual installation generating experience of overwhelming in public places.
A 10 minute timeline was inspired by the "flashes of time" which are reflecting human interactions with repeating patterns in public places.
Timeline concept art
Pattern (an arrangement of repeated or corresponding parts, decorative motifs, etc.)
Predictableness of patterns creates for the audience sensual experience. On what we are focusing attention automatically drives our thoughts (in general to collect new incentives and generate new experiences).
Inspired by the structure of the renovated floor of the railway station in Tarnów (Poland) we've created audio-visual journey through chaos and symmetry in repetitions of sound and movement.
Concept arts, ideas, inspirations
Floor of the railway station in Tarnów
Selected flashes and their random length became the main axis to create sound design by Marcin Cichy. Music is not only describing the interior in which basic pattern exists (in this case railway station in Tarnów) but also generating a slightly different, individial experience for the same pattern.
Concept Timeline with animations
Final Timeline stages through 10 min 
Examples of Pattern animations
 Pattern Wall animation (concept art)
Inauguration premiere took place in the Art Gallery BWA in Tarnów on 4th of December 2014.
Photos from premiere
Pattern official poster 
Pattern viral graphics and posters
Animation, Motion Design - Patrick Zimończyk, Thomas Gawroński (Tving Stage Design)
Video Mapping, Art Direction - Thomas Gawroński (Tving Stage Design)
Graphic Identification, Posters - Thomas Gawroński, Patrick Zimończyk (Tving Stage Design)
Video Coverage, Photography - Patrick Zimończyk, Thomas Gawroński (Tving Stage Design)
Video Montage - Patrick Zimończyk (Tving Stage Design)
Sound Design - Marcin Cichy (Skalpel, Meeting by Chance)
Consultations - Pola Borkiewicz

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